Chris Steffes

Headshot of Chris Steffes

Spanish Teacher


Phone: 414-747-3673

¡Hola! My name is Chris Steffes. I am originally from St. Francis, WI. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse with a major in Spanish Education. During my time at UWL, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Valladolid, Spain at "Universitas Castellae". The time I resided in Spain proved to be one of the most influential experiences of my life. Through extensive practice in listening comprehension, oral expression, reading comprehension, and written expression, I gained valuable knowledge about the Spanish language. With this knowledge, I am able to better guide my students in the classroom. This school year, I will be teaching Spanish 2, Spanish 4, and AP Spanish.

    In our Spanish class, students will continue to develop and demonstrate the four modes of communication: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. As a language teacher, it is imperative for me that students actively participate in my class, while using as much of the target language as possible. My students are provided with authentic, unrehearsed contexts in which they can practice their language to foster development. My tasks include any activity which requires my students to use the target language. Students are continuously communicating while working in groups, participating in a class discussion, or individually talking with me.

    My objective as a teacher is to help students work to their highest potential and achieve high standards. As I have already stated, students must actively participate in class if they want to be successful in their language acquisition. However, this active participation and effort must not stop once students step outside of my classroom. It is necessary that students also work consistently at home in order to ensure maximum learning during the school year. Parents, I would love to invite you to participate in your child’s education process. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. I may be reached by phone before/after school or anytime via e-mail ( I look forward to working with you! Thank you for your support.