Geriann Crawley

Headshot of Geriann Crawley

Special Education Teacher


Phone: 414-747-3696

I have been  in the St. Francis School District for over 25 years teaching students who have special education needs.  I started teaching 6th-8th grade at Willow Glen Elementary and stayed there for 14 years.  I then moved to Deer Creek Intermediate School when the district realigned and taught 8th grade for 1 year.  Currently I am at St. Francis High School working with 9th and 10th grade students. 

I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point with a major in Elementary Education (K-8) and a minor in Specific Learning Disabilities (K-12).  I earned my masters degree in Education at Carrol College (when it was still a college).

Please feel free to contact me at 414-747-3696 or by email

Department Goals:  Our goals as a special education staff are threefold:

    1.  to enrich the educational experiences for students with disabilities,

    2.  to guide and support each student throughout their high school experience, and

    3.  to equip them with the tools and resources to be college, career, and life-ready