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2024 Operational Referendum - Vote November 5

At the August 6, 2024 meeting, the St. Francis Public School Board approved an operational referendum question for the November 5, 2024 ballot. After extensive discussions with stakeholders, and key leaders, and encouraged by positive community survey results, the board decided to proceed with an operational referendum covering the next five school years. 

If approved by voters in November, the school levy mill rate for taxpayers is projected to decrease, which could lead to lower property taxes. The allocated funds will be instrumental in ensuring our facilities' seamless operation and maintenance, supporting vital safety measures, enriching educational programs, implementing necessary technology upgrades, and fostering staff retention.

Operational Budget Challenges

  • State funding has not kept up with increasing costs for such things as salaries, benefits, utilities, and student services. The District did not receive any increase in this funding on a per-student basis in 6 of the last 10 years

  • Federal COVID-19 funding, received over the past three years, has ended

  • The funding from the most recent operational referendum will expire next year

Budget Presentations

On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, our community will vote on a proposed $600,000 referendum next year and $2.4 million for the four following years. If this non-recurring operational referendum is approved, the referendum would expire at the end of the 2029 school year. 

"The St. Francis School District is committed to investing in our students' success, made possible by your support. Our award-winning programs are a testament to this partnership. We value the feedback and questions you've shared throughout this process and will continue to provide clear communication, recognizing that each taxpayer's situation is unique."

School Board President Chris Finch  

An approved referendum would enable SFSD to:

  • Continue to implement award winning programs at all schools to best meet the needs of all students

  • Balance the budget without utilizing fund balance reserves

  • Recruit and retain high-quality teachers and support staff through a competitive compensation structure

  • Manage continued increases to operational costs which includes: rising healthcare costs, safety & security, facility maintenance, & utilities 

  • Continue to invest in updated technology for students and staff 

The district projects the mill rate to decrease over 5% during the course of the operational referendum.

Final levy and mill rate information will be presented in October when equalized values are finalized by the Department of Revenue. 

Shall the Saint Francis School District, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, by $600,000 for the 2024-2025 school year and by $2,400,000 per year for the 2025-2026 school year through the 2028-2029 school year, for non-recurring purposes consisting of operation and maintenance expenses, including safety, educational programming, technology upgrades, and staff retention?

Understanding Wisconsin School Funding

Wisconsin Special Education Funding Gap

Spectrum 1 News - Anthony DaBruzzi

Click Photo to Watch

9/17- Common Council
Presentation at the Civic Center - 7:00pm

9/20 - St. Francis Library - 1:15pm

9/24- Lunch & Learn
Virtual Meeting - 12:30pm

Google Meet Link:

9/27-Community Meeting @ St. Francis High School Atrium - 1pm

9/29- Lunch & Learn
Virtual Meeting - 12:30pm

Google Meet Link:

10/4 - St. Francis Library - 11:30am

10/5 - St. Francis Library - 1:15pm

10/18 - St. Francis Library - 1:15pm

10/24- LaFinca Coffee House - 2-4pm

10/25 - Community Meeting @ St. Francis High School Atrium - 1pm

10/31- LaFinca Coffee House - 2-4pm

11/1 - St. Francis Library - 1:15pm

11/4- Lunch & Learn
Virtual Meeting
- 12:30pm

Google Meet Link:

11/4- LaFinca Coffee House - 2-4pm

10/5 - Home Football Game vs Cudahy - 1:30-2:30

10/9 - 10/10 Parent Teacher Conferences

10/24 Willow Glen - Multicultural Night -5:30-7 pm

10/31 Willow Glen - “Boo at the School” - 5:30-7pm

Jackson Parker, Director of Finance 414-747-3912

Vote November 5, 2024