Welcome to Willow Glen School

Willow Glen is centrally located within the city of St. Francis,  just south of downtown Milwaukee.  Willow Glen and our St. Francis School District prides itself on its wonderfully diverse and connected community.  

Here at Willow Glen, we commit ourselves to providing a safe, caring, and exciting educational experience which embraces the whole child.  Families are encouraged to be a part of the educational process.  Evidence shows that students become most successful when there’s consistency from all stakeholders (family, child, and the school) about the importance of a child’s education.  Throughout the year, we will offer a variety of opportunities to celebrate education and your child’s learning by teaming up with families and the community with engaging activities, such as Fall Harvest Parade/Trunk or Treat,  Winter Wonderland, Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast, and Field Day.  These “extra” opportunities to embrace the role education plays and gives our students an opportunity to “shine” as they share their learning with their families,  and gives families an opportunity to gain an up-close experience of what Willow Glen has to offer.

Students posing in colored shirts in the middle of a field Aerial view of field day in 2021

Willow Glen Educators are continuously learning too!

Educators at Willow Glen are highly trained professionals with many years of experience, many of them with the majority of their experience with primary age students.  The majority of our teachers have earned their master degrees in education, literacy instruction, or early childhood education, have taken advanced courses and trainings to improve upon their practice, and take part in weekly professional development sessions every Wednesday, as part of our district’s Early Release Days.  This year, our major areas of emphasis will be equitable and inclusive practices in the classroom, engagement with our students and families back into our learning community, and the implementation of our new ELA curriculum.

Teachers participating in professional development in a classroom

Congratulations to Willow Glen School!

Recently, our school received another commendation for our efforts with helping our students learn how to behave socially with one another.  We were again given the silver award from Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction in the area of behavior.  In receiving the silver award, we have shown evidence of full implementation of PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) for more than 2 years, as well as at least 1 year in a specific area of instructional focus.  We will continue to improve our practices as a school building and remain committed to helping our children be successful socially, emotionally, and academically. 

In the fall of 2021, Willow Glen was recognized by U.S. News and World Report as being ranked in the top 30% of elementary schools in the state of Wisconsin. Our classrooms exude a comfortable, welcoming, student-friendly atmosphere. With a student body of about 225, and class sizes averaging 15 students, staff members are able to get to know students and their families well. They are able to greet every child by name, while also recognizing each child’s unique qualities.

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction last released the State Accountability Report Cards in 2024.  These report cards measure student achievement in the areas of literacy and math, and all public schools across Wisconsin are required to take part in these assessments.  We are pleased to report that Willow Glen received a 4-Star rating (Score of 83), which falls into the “ Exceeds Expectations” category!  This showcases the commitment to high-quality instruction, research-based instructional practices, highly skilled staff members who continuously engage in improving these practices, strongly motivated students, and their wonderful families who support the amazing work being done at Willow Glen, in the homes of our students, and throughout our entire St. Francis School District.  Thank you to all of you involved!

Willow Glen At a Glance


2600 E. Bolivar Avenue    

St.   Francis, WI  53235


414 - 486-6300

Fax Number

414 - 486-6305

Attendance Line

414 - 486-6302


Eddy Ringsby

School Mascot


School Colors

Red and White

Student Enrollment                              


Certified Staff


Classroom Teachers


Special Education Teachers             


Guidance Counselors


Library Media Specialist


Reading Specialist



3 - Art, P.E. and Music

Starting Time

8:00  K4 - 3rd

Ending Time

3:10  K4 - 3rd

Students in the classroom next to a mural of a tree

Our Pledge to Kids

Willow Glen School will continue to develop as a learning community where students will strive to be high achievers and learn and grow in a safe and nurturing environment.

Our mission is to work together to guarantee

that everyone grows academically and socially in a safe,

supportive atmosphere of trust,

ongoing discovery, respect, and shared success.