2024-25 Programs
David Cunningham - Recreation Director
phone: 482-8481 email: dcunnin@sfsd.k12.wi.us
Jenny Peronto - Recreation Secretary (Fees, Registrations, Scheduling, Programming)
phone: 482-8484 email: jperont@sfsd.k12.wi.us
Office Hours : 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Monday through Friday
*Recreation Staff available during programming hours
Our Mission
The mission of the St. Francis School District Department of Recreation is to enhance the quality of life of its students, families, and community members by providing youth development, education, recreation, and social opportunities in partnership with schools, organizations, and the St. Francis community. This will include activities and projects that are recreational, vocational, avocational, civic, and cultural in collaboration with the school district. We hope that you join us in participating in your favorite activities and special events. If you have any thoughts on future programs that are of interest to you, please reach out and we will do our best to add it to our offerings.