Exciting news! Our new gym bleachers are finally in and ready for you to come and cheer on our #WeAreSFSD athletes!

👀Seen here: Coach Sarver with the 2023 WFCA South All-Star football coaching staff!
This is his 18th year as chairman of the WFCA All Star Games benefitting Children's Wisconsin. 🤯Over 5.3 million dollars has been raised during that time!
The games will be played this Friday and Saturday at Titan Stadium in Oshkosh.

It was an unforgettable experience for these #WeAreSFSD 8th-grade science students who spent 11 days on a trip of a lifetime in Costa Rica!
Check out more pictures of this amazing adventure here: https://facebook.com/crexperience

First graders brought camping vibes to the classroom with homemade tents and flashlights for 'Lights Out, Let's Read!' 📚🏕️🔦

These #WeAreSFSD students are working on a surprise for someone special! ❤️

Community Resource guide is available at : https://stfranciswi.sites.thrillshare.com/o/sfsd/page/resources-for-the-community